扎爾馬文翻譯語言翻譯公司產品開辟部 Product Development Department
MKTG (Marketing) 市場部
工程部 Engineering Department
物供部、Supply Department
客服部 Service Department



R&D (Research & Development) 研發部

外銷部: Overseas Department,International Sales Section,Export Section
財政科:Financial/Fiscal Department
黨支部:Communist Party Office
會議室:Meeting Room/Hall/Auditorium翻譯社或Conference Hall/Auditorium或直接Auditorium, 視其巨細而定了翻譯
會客室:Reception Lounge/Room/House翻譯社或Meeting Room或Guest Room
質檢科:Back-check Section/Department,Quality-inspection/Quality Control Department
內銷部:Domestic Sales Section/Department
廠長室:Miller/Director/President' Office( 這很取決於你們廠的類型和範圍)
行政科:Administration Section/Department,Service section
手藝部:Technology Section
生產科:Production/Processing Section

財政部 General Accounting Department
研發部 Research and Development Department(R&D)
Purchasing  Dept 採購部
HR 人力資源部
研發部、Research Deparment
人事部 Personnel Department
OFC (Office翻譯社 但不常見) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 辦公室
總務部 General Affairs Department
無線事業部、Wireless Industry Department
企劃部 Planning Department
行政部 Admin. Department
行政部: Administration
工程部、Engineering Deparment
Account 管帳部
總經辦、General Deparment
廣告部 Advertising Department
發賣部 Sales Department
分公司 Branch Office

Administration Dept. 管理部
Strategy Research 計謀研究部

總公司 Head Office
促銷部 Sales Promotion Department
財政部 Financial Department
Monitor & Support Department 監事會
Sales 發賣部
拓展部 Business Expending Department
人力資本部 HR Department
發賣部、Sales Deparment
B&D business and development 營業拓展部